Ghibli-Inspired Brushes 2.
This is the sequel to the set that sparked my love for brush-making. Since then, I’ve created hundreds of brushes and explored many different methods of brush-making including scanning my own textures and brushstrokes.
I’ve put everything I’ve learned over the past...
Make your drawing beautiful with these brushes! In this large set of 30 brushes that will help you draw water, rain, bubbles, waterfall and so on.
In this set there are:
Water Texture (4)
Water Wave Texture (1)
Water Wave (3)
Water Bubbles (4)
Water Bubbles Stamp (5)
Rain (5)
Waterfall (3)...
bubble brushes
bubbles procreate
rain brushes
rain procreate
waterwater brushes
water bubbles
water procreate
water texture
waterfall brushes
waterfall procreate
вода procreate
водные пузыри
водопад procreate
водяные пузыри
дождь procreate
кисти для водопада
кисти для воды
кисти для дождя
кисти для пузырей
пузыри procreate
текстура воды
Pack of 136 Photoshop Brushes - Dust, Smoke, Watercolor, Blood.
It’s really tempting to just dive into all the different brush types there are and what tasks they’re used for. You will get plenty of opinions here and they will probably all be correct. Here are some things you should take into...
Painting Sketch - Photoshop Action
Action ATN file
Brush ABR filee
Help file
RGB Color Mode
Adobe photoshop CC
Fonts URL are included in help file
Fully Layered
Image is not included. The Image are only for presentation.
My Working Software Version: CC2019 English Version.
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