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  1. Dogma

    Procreate Tattoo Design Stamps Brush

    All 26 brushes 21 stamp brushes 5 brushes This brush set is only work with procreate app. Required: iPad Pro or iPad Apple pencil Procreate Version 5.0 and higher (App) Demo Procreate Tattoo Design Stamps Brush. Brushset | 21.4 Mb
  2. Dogma

    Procreate Mandala Stamps Brush

    36 Stamps Flowers 10 Stamps Leafs 2 Pen Brushes 2 Paper Brushes The product required: iPad Pro or iPad Apple Pencil Procreate App (version 5.0 or higher) This brush ist ONLY FOR PORCREATE ! Demo Procreate Mandala Stamps Brush. Brushset | 61 Mb