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  1. Dogma

    21 Stitch Photoshop Brushes

    21 Stitch Brushes for your art! Sewing brushes: Zig-zag, cross, overlock, simple stitches You'll get .ABR file with 21 brushes for Adobe Photoshop. Required skills: No skills required. If you can’t draw, you can simply use a 'Stroke Path' option. It's easy) Demo 21 Stitch Photoshop Brushes...
  2. Dogma

    Procreate Sewing Brushes

    This is a set of 54 sewing and embroidery procreate brushes. There are many types of stitches, yarns, knits, crochet, braids and macramé knot brushes in this kit. Also included are fabric textured brushes to create a base to 'sew' onto. The brushes follow your stroke, they are not just stamps...