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  1. Dogma

    130 Gouache Brushes for Procreate

    Set of 130 Gouache Brushes for Procreate. The set includes: 13 Thick Gouache Brushes 18 Thin Gouache Brushes 7 Gouache Blender Brushes 72 Gouache Stamp Brushes 7 Gouache Tip Brushes 5 Gouache Background Rolling Brushes 8 Paper Texture Brushes Procreate brushes are made for Procreate app for...
  2. Dogma

    Gouache Lovers Procreate Brush Set

    Create beautiful and realistic gouache-inspired artwork, directly in Procreate! This custom set of Procreate gouache brushes includes 12 unique brushes made specifically to mimic real gouache painting directly in Procreate. With several variations in opacity as real gouache has the naturally...